Case Study Name

From 0 To 9 Short Term Rentals in just 1.5 Years Producing 50-90k a Monthly in Revenue.

IMPORTANT: The experiences do not guarantee these results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.


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How I went from 0 to 9 Short Term Rentals in a matter of 1.5 years generating 50-80k in monthly revenue.

-Garrett Keillor

Let us make you a pro in short term rental acquisition, financing, and management!

Find It

Maximum cash flow for your residential short-term rental property is directly tied to selecting the right home in the right location. From there, our formula goes in depth covering the 3 things you MUST KNOW about STRs to make sure you don’t fail before you get started.

Fund It

There are endless ways to finance and fund your business. Our formula highlights the four most effective options for STRs. Raising capital is essential and we’ve identified four turn-key strategies that save you from years of frustration, lost revenue, and missed opportunity.

Fill It

STRs are only successful when your home is filled and we teach the 10 quickest ways to fill and automate your short term rental property for MAXIMUM CASHFLOW using our STR Mastery automation management system. This system allows you to fill up your calendar and manage guest by automating 90% of process.

What did you do before Short-Term rental Mastey?

I was and continue to be a private lender focusing on Fix And Flip, Long-term rental Loans, and Short Term rental Loans

Where were you before acquiring property?

I was running at full speed trying to do as many loans as possible to keep up with some of the best months I had ever had in lending. It was an exhausting rat race and I constantly watch Borrower after Borrower acquire property and take advantage of the benefits of owning property.

When did you realize short-term rentals were so lucrative?

After a few repeat borrowers kept asking me for loans on properties that were in tier 2 and tier 3 cities for what they explained was the best rental strategy. I was able to see what they were doing after a few short months and began gathering funds to purchase my own properties. I specialized in short term rental loans and therefore I was able to see all of the best markets while also being able to compare and contrast the cities by earnings.

When did you realize you were on to something bigger than you thought?

I realized that I was on something when I had my first $10,000 month on a single property. This of course was revenue but had me shaking with excitement by the end of that month. I wanted to acquire as many properties as possible and perfect my management strategy.

What are some “Before & After” results in tangible metrics you experienced in your business when collecting STR Properties?

Before investing in Short Term Rentals properties I had to work as many deals as possible to make as much money as possible. At a certain point, I would run out of time each day and each month. After collecting my 9th property I realized that I could completely replace my income by owning and operating these Short Term Rentals. My Properties at this time were fluctuating between 6-10k in revenue per month. The beauty was that the properties were doing the work instead of me and after automating and scaling my portfolio I was doing maybe 10% of the work and normally treaded doing and was able to focus on what I loved doing best... Finding new deals!

What have you realized most about the industry of real estate?

I realized that real Estate is the shortest way to becoming a multimillionaire and coming up with a strategy like buying short-term rentals puts gas on the fire of what is a dinosaur-year-old business

What would you say to someone considering the STR Mastery Program?

I would say that this course was not randomly thrown onto a PowerPoint and then presented on video. The underwriting models, financing options, furnishing techniques, management, smart pricing, and tax-saving strategies were developed through years of trial and error. Everything jam-packed into this course was meant to make you successful on your real estate investing journey. It will be knowledge that you rely on forever.

Join STR Mastery

While 2021 will serve as a high-water mark for occupancy, 2022 broke records for both nights booked and revenue, with U.S. short-term rental owners/investors/hosts generating over

$62 billion throughout the year.

After two consecutive years of small and mid-sized cities dominating our "Best Places to Invest" reports, it's no surprise that those locations led 2022 with the highest growth in listings throughout the year, with a 30% year-over-year increase in listings. STR Mastery will give you the expertise to tap into this Growth so that you can dominate the short term rental market and take a hold of your financial freedom.

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  • Access to Capital Raising Mentorship